Areas of Expertise:
Iran | Middle East economic development | Middle East history | social movements

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Kevan Harris is an assistant professor of sociology and an expert on modern Iran, specifically Iranian politics and society. Harris, who is a member of the UCLA International Institute, is in the midtst of a massive research project analyzing social stratification and mobility across three generations in Iran. The survey will seek to shed light on the disappearance of the peasantry, the effects of the massive expansion of education on Iranian men and women, provincial and ethnic variations in social mobility, and differences in political participation.

Harris is an authority on economic development in the Middle East and the history of the Middle East. His current research interests also include: welfare politics in middle and low-income countries; business-state relations in Iran; and the history of social policy in West Asia and North Africa.

Twitter: @kevankharris

Media Contact

Elizabeth Kivowitz

Peggy McInerny
