Chancellor Gene Block


Breakthroughs and Discoveries

UCLA’s research enterprise illustrates the incredible reach and continued impact of our scholarship.

The violence in our nation’s capital

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block reaffirms how our values strengthen democracy and encourages students and employees who need help to avail themselves of resources.

Uniting for the Higher Good

History shows universities like UCLA bring Americans closer together and move our nation forward.

True Equity

UCLA works to fulfill its commitment to supporting and protecting all members of its community.

At Issue: Strong UCLA Spirit

During the pandemic and the trauma of racist killings, Bruins have shown compassion, courage and resilience.

A video thank you to all Bruins

Chancellor Gene Block delivers a heartfelt message of gratitude to staff, students, faculty and alumni for their ingenuity and compassion during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At Issue: Above and Beyond

People around the world have a deep affinity for UCLA, and this is evident in the tremendous success of the Centennial Campaign.

At Issue: A Milestone in Technology

The network we now know as the internet had its beginnings at UCLA. And we’ve made a long journey down that superhighway.

At Issue: Bruins for Life

Everyone who attends UCLA automatically becomes a lifelong member of the UCLA Alumni Association.
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