If the same change were made by all of the U.S., it would account for one-third of the greenhouse gas reduction prescribed in the 2013 President’s Climate Action Plan.
Since its inception in 2015, the program has provided 33 UCLA students with funding to complete research, projects or internships that focus on food issues.
The substance’s beneficial properties might be due to its ability to reduce inflammation, which has been linked to both Alzheimer’s disease and major depression, according to Dr. Gary Small.
Those who complete the program will be prepared to fill a critical void in the workforce: helping growing urban centers thrive under the pressure of global climate change.
Catherine Carpenter of the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center explains how a few small adjustments to your barbecuing protocol can reduce your exposure to carcinogens.
UCLA School of Law is launching new initiatives to promote cutting-edge research in food law and animal law and to build bridges between the two fields.
The nonprofit Chefs Collaborative and UCLA co-hosted speakers on a series of sustainable food panels, featuring food-scene stars, UCLA staff and faculty and food critic Jonathan Gold.
UCLA alumni and brothers Mark Gold, respected environmental advocate and scientist, and Jonathan Gold, Pulitzer Prize-winning food writer, on what restaurants, chefs and legislators can do.