The UCLA Film & Television Archive has introduced a digital portal showcasing local news footage of Tom Bradley, Los Angeles’ first African American mayor.
In this Q&A about their book, UCLA faculty Douglas Kellner and Jeff Share discuss the role critical media literacy plays in our information-overloaded world.
The Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies was founded in 2016 to support the creation of media about environmental issues for non-English speakers and people from different cultural backgrounds.
Walter Thompson-Hernández applies lessons from being a lifelong Bruin to his help make sure his multimedia stories illuminate subcultures and don’t exploit them.
The UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center is home to the publication’s archives, selections of which are on display at the Autry Museum as part of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA.
The awards recognize the work of journalists whose contributions illuminate subjects in business, finance and the economy for readers and viewers around the world.
Ray Suarez, former host of Al Jazeera America’s “Inside Story” and contributor to the PBS “NewsHour,” delivered the final Luskin Lecture of the academic year.
On June 27, the dean and the country’s most influential business journalists, editors, publishers, producers and media personalities will gather in New York City to also honor two career achievement honorees, Walt Mossberg and Nicholas Varchaver.
Ramesh Srinivasan, an associate professor of information studies, has studied revolutions in Egypt and Kyrgyzstan and the role of digital media in supporting indigenous communities.
An multidisciplinary team designed an algorithm that could discern structured narratives within the flow of posts on the internet reflecting how humans communicate.
Misunderstanding voters’ feelings, the natural unreliability of polling and insufficient skepticism from journalists contributed to predictions showing Hillary Clinton would be president.