Chancellor Block joins podcast to discuss future of higher education May 3, 2022 The key challenge, he said, is maintaining a top-tier experience while increasing access.
Augmented reality exhibition places viewers in midst of WWII-era forced removal of Japanese Americans May 2, 2022 ‘BeHere / 1942,’ presented by the Yanai Initiative of UCLA and Tokyo’s Waseda University, runs from May 7 to Oct. 9.
Former governors Wilson, Davis discuss housing, crime and more at Luskin Summit April 27, 2022 In a discussion moderated by UCLA’s Jim Newton, the two leaders express differing perspectives on a range of California issues.
Most California incentive programs meant to reduce energy use have the opposite effect April 25, 2022 “Not all energy-efficient upgrades or programs are the same,” said Magali Delmas, a UCLA environmental economist and co-author of the paper.
Reimagining the future of health and wellness in California April 25, 2022 A UCLA report prepared as part of the California 100 initiative helps point the way toward greater access and equity for state residents.
UCLA study offers strategy for freeway congestion pricing that reduces burden on low-income residents April 21, 2022 Research suggests the most promising solution would be to provide direct cash assistance.
Citizenship, policy barriers limit access to health care for some California Latino, Asian immigrants April 13, 2022 A UCLA study finds those who have been undocumented experience even greater levels of unequal work conditions.
Latino and Asian households in California lag in access to state rent assistance program April 6, 2022 In a new report, UCLA researchers recommend extending eviction protections for all, until unemployment figures reach pre-pandemic levels.
Why César Chávez’s life and legacy remain as relevant as ever March 31, 2022 UCLA labor studies faculty discuss the history and key lessons we can learn from the labor champion.
UCLA scholars publish reports on future of California transportation, housing March 31, 2022 The two new studies were funded by the California 100 initiative.
California’s Housing Crisis March 10, 2022 UCLA minds across campus are seeking solutions to one problem: How to affordably house all the state’s residents.
UCLA Law students work to help protect outdoor laborers from heat and pollution March 9, 2022 Research produced by those in the California Environmental Legislation and Policy Clinic has influenced proposed legislation.
UCLA Anderson Forecast: Ukraine war adds new risks to U.S., California economies March 9, 2022 Just as the economic impact of COVID-19 was waning, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine injected an additional layer of uncertainty into the forecast.
Despite overall gains in health coverage and access to care, disparities persist in California January 31, 2022 A UCLA study finds that Black and Latino Californians have the lowest rates of employer-based insurance across all groups.
Grant makes access to a UCLA education easier for underrepresented students January 20, 2022 As a partner institution of the CaliforniansForAll College Corps, UCLA will select 150 students for fellowships.
How California’s Whole Person Care pilot program met the challenges of the pandemic January 18, 2022 UCLA’s new analysis will help guide Medi-Cal as it expands coordinated care to all eligible participants in the state.
Southern California mountain lions show first reproductive effects of inbreeding January 6, 2022 Unless steps are taken to boost genetic diversity, local extinction remains a real threat, a UCLA-led study suggests.
In 3 California regions, big cities lag smaller cities in ‘neighborhood biodiversity’ December 17, 2021 A UCLA-led study finds that animal species are less evenly distributed in large urban areas.
Latinos are severely underrepresented in Los Angeles Times opinion pages December 15, 2021 A new UCLA study has found that Latinos, who comprise nearly half the county’s population, pen less than 5% of the paper’s op-eds.
UCLA dedicates labor center building to Rev. James Lawson Jr., champion of civil and worker rights December 13, 2021 The building, which is named the UCLA James Lawson Jr. Worker Justice Center, will house labor research, teaching and service for decades to come.
A perfect tribute: UCLA names labor center building in honor of Rev. James Lawson Jr. December 10, 2021 Civil and labor rights icon and 20-year labor studies faculty member to be linked with UCLA in perpetuity at a ceremony on Dec. 11.
Pandemic continues to influence consumer behavior, affect economy on national, state and local levels December 8, 2021 The latest UCLA Anderson Forecast sees stronger-than-anticipated performance for the U.S. and California.
UCLA faculty lead multicampus effort to highlight Indigenous voices November 30, 2021 Centering Tribal Stories will train University of California scholars on collaborations with Native American communities.
Nearly half of California caregivers experienced financial stress during 2020 November 29, 2021 A UCLA report identifies physical and mental health burdens among the millions who care for friends and family members.
In UCLA survey, most California Latino, Asian immigrants perceive racial discrimination at work November 8, 2021 The study also found that many felt that immigrants would be prevented from gaining legal U.S. immigration status if they used certain government benefits.