

Heavy winter rains are nothing to sneeze at

California experienced record rainfall this year, and may have even made headway against the state’s historic drought. Now that lush landscapes abound and spring is upon us, what does this mean for allergy sufferers? 

Oroville Dam crisis could be sign of things to come

Professor Alex Hall’s research shows that, as temperatures warm in the Sierra Nevada, a deluge could overwhelm California’s patchwork network of dams and reservoirs that currently supplies 60 percent of the state's water.

Chilling climate revelations from the last ice age

New research shows that a collapse of an ice sheet 14,000 years ago in what is now western Canada triggered a reorganization of the jet stream in a century — a geological blink of an eye.

Finding climate answers through a Sierra Nevada haze

UCLA scientists are studying the Sierra Nevada's climate future using a technique to create simulations to predict outcomes under different circumstances and help them understand the physical reasons for the projected changes.

Bending the curve on climate change

UCLA environmental professors Magali Delmas and Susanna Hecht are among the climate experts, politicians and industry leaders gathering in San Diego today for a University of California climate change summit.
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