Dr. Richard Jackson, professor emeritus of environmental health sciences at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, has been honored with the 2020 Beverlee A. Myers Award for Excellence in Public Health. The award is California’s highest for public service in the discipline.
Jackson, a faculty associate with the UCLA Center for Healthy Climate Solutions, was recognized April 22 in a virtual event hosted by the California Department of Public Health whose honorees “represent the best in public health work in California.”
He started with the state health agency in 1979, served as California state public health officer, and was instrumental in creating the new California Department of Public Health in 2007. His award for 2020 was delayed because of the pandemic.
Past Fielding School recipients of the Myers Award include Dr. Wendelin Slusser, professor of community health sciences, in 2008, and Dr. Jonathan Fielding, distinguished professor of health policy and management, in 2007. In 2001, a joint award went to the late Professor Emerita Ruth Roemer and Dr. Milton Roemer, professor emeritus of the Fielding School’s Department of Health Services.
Read the full news release.