UCLA in the News lists selected mentions of UCLA in the world’s news media. Some articles may require registration or a subscription. See more UCLA in the News.

Double-lung transplant performed at UCLA Medical Center | KNBC-TV

“His condition continued to deteriorate, to the point that he was unable to breathe … Most transplant centers in the United States, also across the world, will not accept a patient in his condition. We thought that is there was anyone UCLA Lung Transplant Program should take a chance on, that is him,” said UCLA’s Dr. Abbas Ardehali (approx. 1:50 mark).

Joking around common across ape family, study finds | The Hill

Great apes have a penchant for joking and clowning around, according to a new study — a finding that sheds new light on the origins of human humor. All species of great apes tease, tweak and occasionally torment their peers and older relatives — then stand back to watch the results, according to findings published on Tuesday in Royal Society B … “We’re pivoting to entertain the possibility that animal minds are not always serious — not always about the next action needed for survival,” said co-author Erica Cartmill of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). (UCLA’s Sasha Winkler was cited. Also: Scienmag and Popular Science.)

Childhood bullying linked to later mental health problems | HealthDay News

When bullies destroy a young victim’s trust, mental health problems are likely to follow them into adulthood, a new study warns. “There are few public health topics more important than youth mental health right now,” said senior study author George Slavich, director of UCLA Health’s Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research, who called for investments in further research to identify risk factors and develop programs to improve lifelong health and resilience. (Also: Medical Xpress.)

Is it true that oysters can be an aphrodisiac? | Washington Post

There’s another explanation as to why oysters may bring out a romantic side: the placebo effect, said Waguih William IsHak, a professor of psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai and the University of California at Los Angeles, who edited a textbook on sexual medicine and co-wrote a chapter on aphrodisiacs. Meta-analyses on placebo treatments for male and female sexual dysfunction have shown that people given a placebo reported an improvement in sexual functioning — in some studies, at a rate as high as 50 percent. The placebo effect is meaningful and “has to always be raised with sexual functioning,” IsHak said.

Zyn nicotine pouches are gaining in popularity | Yahoo Life

“Zyn is an oral nicotine pouch that is similar to oral smokeless tobacco products but does not contain tobacco leaf,” Dr. Michael Ong, professor in residence of Medicine and Health Policy and Management at UCLA, tells Yahoo Life. “Snuff differs from Zyn in that it contains tobacco leaf.”

Are essential oils good or bad for your lungs? | Parade

“There just isn’t a sufficient body of evidence to support their routine use for the promotion of lung health,” says Dr. Russell Buhr, M.D., assistant clinical professor of medicine in the Division of pulmonary and Critical Care at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA in California.

Minimum wages rise: Here’s what changed | Christian Science Monitor

“It really is a reflection of what the body politic in the jurisdiction feels is the minimum that they would like to see any worker in that jurisdiction be paid per hour,” points out economist Jerry Nickelsburg, director of the University of California, Los Angeles’ Anderson Forecast.

New ABA rule a step forward for free speech at law schools | Bloomberg Law

Professor Eugene Volokh of UCLA Law School, another expert in First Amendment law, said Standard 208 will also help deans navigate free-speech controversies in the future … “The standard is another tool in the toolbox of a dean who wants to protect free speech and academic freedom,” Volokh told me. “The dean can tell student activists, ‘Look, do you want us to lose our accreditation?’”

Biden campaign’s Super Bowl strategy proved skeptics wrong | The Hill

(Commentary by UCLA student Victor Shi) Why sit down for a 30-minute TV interview when you can reach just as many people, if not more, through other mediums and platforms? Why engage in an interview that most people wouldn’t even take the time to attentively watch? What may have been worked a few years ago simply is not the case in this election.