UCLA In the News lists selected mentions of UCLA in the world’s news media. Some articles may require registration or a subscription to view. See more UCLA In the News.

$100 million gift to UCLA from Samueli Foundation | Los Angeles Times

“We have this huge pool of talent and we don’t have enough seats,” said Jayathi Murthy, dean of the engineering school. The donation will help the school add about 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students over the next decade to reach a total of about 7,000. It also will increase tenured and tenure-track faculty by nearly 100 to about 250, and provide competitive start-up packages, endowed chairs, scholarships, fellowships, labs and equipment, Murthy said. None of that would be possible without private donations, she said. (Also: ForbesLos Angeles Business Journal, Orange County Business Journal, Chronicle of Philanthropy)  

California’s job engine is slowing as U.S. nears recession, UCLA predicts | Los Angeles Times

California’s low unemployment rate should persist through the next two years, but the state’s generation of new jobs will lose steam, a new UCLA economic forecast predicts. “The California economy is slowing down,” wrote Jerry Nickelsburg, director of the UCLA Anderson Forecast, released Wednesday. “The state is, quite simply, running out of people to be employed.”

UCLA defeats Oklahoma to win the Women’s College World Series | Los Angeles Times

It was UCLA’s 13th national championship, its 12th NCAA title and the Bruins first since 2010. “They’re a really gutsy, relentless, fighting team, but ... I am so proud that they enjoyed it,” coach Kelly Inouye-Perez said of the win, the 600th of her career. “They had fun. They had each other’s backs.” … To Inouye-Perez, the cluster of Bruins in a crowd dominated by Oklahoma fans was a reminder of what they were fighting for, what they spent the entire season grinding for: each other. A UCLA softball family that spans decades. It is bigger than any one player, any one team. (Also: Associated Press)

Women of color were cut out of suffragist history | Washington Post

While this inspiration was filtering in from indigenous women, the organization of the suffrage movement emerged from the earlier abolition movement, according to Ellen DuBois, a history and gender professor emeritus at the University of California at Los Angeles…. As the [National Woman Suffrage Association] expanded, the structure decentralized, and auxiliary organizations in each state were given more power to do what they wanted to gain support. “Under that policy, Southern states explicitly bar black women from participating,” DuBois said.

Cataract treatment inventor Dr. Patricia Bath dies at 76 | Associated Press

Bath moved to California where she became the first African American surgeon at the University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center and the first woman ophthalmologist on the faculty of UCLA’s Jules Stein Eye Institute. She also co-founded an ophthalmology residency program and in 1983, Bath was appointed Chair of the King-Drew-UCLA Ophthalmology Residency Program, becoming the first woman in the United States to head such a residency program.

When celery ruled the Southland | San Diego Union-Tribune

From the nutritional and phytochemical standpoints, there’s “nothing superior” about celery, said Dr. Zhaoping Li, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at UCLA. The downside of consuming large amounts of celery juice, she added, would be “missing nutrients from other vegetables.”

5 U.S. cities that potentially could run out of water | Weather Channel

Los Angeles gets most of its water from someplace else. Most of its water comes from Northern California and the Colorado River. At the height of the California drought that began in late 2011, Los Angeles imported 89 percent of its water from more than 200 miles away, according to the University of California Los Angeles.

A brain zap could boost that fuzzy memory | Live Science

Specifically, these subjects were better at recalling episodic memories, those that involve a specific time and a place. "In an episodic memory, you have contextual detail," said senior author Jesse Rissman, an assistant professor of psychology and of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles.

In Los Angeles ‘water colony,’ tribes fear a parched future | Reuters

The Sierra Nevada snowpack today provides 60% of California’s fresh water, serving 23 million people, according to researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles. But the snowpack is expected to shrink more than 60% by the turn of the century if global warming continues at its current pace, they said in a 2018 report.

3 alleged white supremacists accused of inciting violence at rallies cleared of federal charges | Associated Press

There are plausible arguments in support of both decisions — with Carney taking a broad interpretation of the law and Judge Norman Moon in Virginia taking a narrow one, said Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. The conflict between the rulings on opposite coasts could rise to the Supreme Court if both rulings are appealed and circuit courts reach different conclusions, he said. But that’s far from certain.

Reporter warns about bad contact lens habits after she nearly loses vision in eye | NBC’s “Today”

“People just think maybe they have an allergy. Contact lens wearers with a red eye really need to see an ophthalmologist,” [Dr. Batool] Jafri, the assistant professor of ophthalmology at the University of California, Los Angeles, told TODAY…. “Any time you are extending the use of this device for more than what the manufacturer recommends you are risking colonizing the eye with bacteria,” Jafri explained.

Judges give both sides a grilling in youth climate case against the government | New York Times

Sean Hecht, the co-executive director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the University of California, Los Angeles, said that while the judges raised fundamental questions about the arguments of both sides, “I felt like the judges didn’t really tip their hand.”

Why is it so hard for young people of color to get therapy? | Vice

And the system, however slowly, is making “considerable progress in addressing gaps in research, training, and the provision of culturally sensitive mental health treatment,” said Lakeisha Sumner, a clinical psychologist at UCLA.… Sumner, who works with a diverse group of students, told me she’s inspired by their perspective on mental health. “Many of them are proactive in seeking treatment and often pursue psychotherapy as a preventive measure in strengthening their ability to take better care of themselves.”

Biden versus Sanders on school integration and busing | Forbes

What Biden does not include is any sort of plan to racially integrate schools. That is important, because according to a report from UCLA’s Civil Rights Project, “minority students across the country are more likely to attend majority-minority schools than they were a generation ago.”

James Ketchum, 87, conducted LSD experiments on soldiers | New York Times

After returning to civilian life, Dr. Ketchum taught medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles; worked in hospitals and clinics; and treated alcohol and drug abuse cases in private practice until retiring in 2001.

Fears grow over ‘food swamps’ as drugstores outsell major grocers | Guardian (U.K.)

“Highly processed food makes you sick,” says William McCarthy, an adjunct professor of public health at UCLA. “CVS and other pharmacies make money selling highly processed, long shelf-life foods, because it is all convenient.” But, he says, his research has shown that it’s not just about having more healthy options.

Democratic candidates hunt for progressive voters | USA Today

On paper, Warren and Sanders are ideologically similar. Warren had the most liberal voting record of any senator in the current Congress, while Sanders had the fourth most liberal voting record, according to an analysis by Voteview, a project managed by UCLA’s Department of Political Science and Social Science Computing.

Stress can lead to health risks in women | KABC-TV

“Stress can cause hormones like cortisol and epinephrine in your body to go up,” said UCLA’s Minisha Kochar. “These lead to higher blood sugar, higher blood pressure, all of which are risk factors for heart disease.”

CRISPR babies might live shorter lives | New Scientist

“This is a good example of the great danger of manipulating genes in humans when our understanding of the function of most genes is so rudimentary,” says Alcino Silva of the University of California, Los Angeles.

Younger gout patients have higher odds for blood clots | HealthDay News

According to Dr. Gregg Fonarow, “The overall risk was modest in absolute terms.” Fonarow is co-director of the preventative cardiology program at the University of California, Los Angeles. “As the absolute increased risk is small, the presence of gout alone would not warrant use of anticoagulation [blood-thinning] therapy.”