UCLA in the News lists selected mentions of UCLA in the world’s news media. Some articles may require registration or a subscription. See more UCLA in the News.

Gen Z is turned off by onscreen sex | Los Angeles Times

The new UCLA “Teens and Screens” study, conducted by the Center for Scholars & Storytellers, found that across 1,500 members of Gen Z, ages 10 to 24, young people wanted to see platonic relationships between onscreen characters, and many felt sex wasn’t necessary for story plot. (Only the respondents ages 13 to 24 were asked about sexual content.) “While it’s true that teens want less sex on TV and in movies, what the survey is really saying is that teens want more and different kinds of relationships reflected in the media they watch,” said Yalda T. Uhls, founder and director of CSS, co-author of the study and adjunct professor in UCLA’s Department of Psychology. (Also: USA Today, Insider and ABC’s ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’.)

Chimpanzees go through menopause, too | New York Times

Brian Wood, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted a statistical analysis of data collected from 185 Ngogo females and found that a significant number had lived long after their last known pregnancy. (Also: ABC News (Australia), Inverse, Science Daily and Scienmag.)

Manhunt continues in Maine for shooter | Spectrum News 1

“We don’t know whether he’s alive, or he might be dead by now. We simply don’t know. Many of these mass shooting incidents end with a suicide. So it’s possible that we may not find him alive, but that is yet to be determined,” said UCLA’s Mark Kaplan.

Gov. Newsom has an ambitious plan for gun violence | Politico

UCLA Professor Adam Winkler, an expert in constitutional law and gun policy, considers Newsom’s push to be symbolic. “I don’t think he seriously believes we’re going to get a constitutional amendment anytime soon,” Winkler said. “If he does, he hasn’t spent enough time studying American politics.”

L.A.’s Jewish progressives grapple with opposing views | LAist

But even among Jewish progressives, feelings about Israel’s response are complex … “They’re on the one hand trying to balance their commitment to the rights of Palestinians with their commitment to Israel’s rights,” said Dov Waxman, a political scientist with UCLA’s Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies, “and the rights of Jews to live in the land, in Israel, in peace.”

California kids have among the worst teeth in U.S.  | Los Angeles Times

Cavities can form even earlier. In extreme cases, baby teeth erupt in infants with cavities already formed. At UCLA, there’s a six-month wait for surgery for treatment of severe cases of tooth decay requiring anesthesia, said Dr. Francisco Ramos-Gomez, director of the UCLA Center for Children’s Oral Health.

Koreatown workers protest CEO’s anti-union tactics | Los Angeles Times

Ho’s quote always makes me think of Koreatown, where people from wildly diverse backgrounds are united for the purpose of work. At least 59,437 workers live there, according to the census. Ten percent of the neighborhood’s businesses are restaurants, and 15% of the neighborhood’s residents work in restaurants, according to a new UCLA study in partnership with the Koreatown Immigrant Worker’s Alliance.

A look at how Latino wealth varies by state | Los Angeles Times’ De Los

Carmona told De Los it’s important to consider the sizable Afro-Latino population in New York, as well as the structural barriers they face. She highlighted findings from the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute showing that “Afro-Latinos experience anti-Blackness in the economy and society despite their higher educational attainment rates and labor market participation.”