Six centers that are part of the UCLA International Institute have been awarded about $8 million in federal Title VI funding by the U.S. Department of Education.

The centers receiving funding are:

The funding runs for four academic years (2022–23 through 2025–26). It was awarded through three programs funded by Title VI of the Higher Education Act: the National Resource Center Program, the Language Resource Center Program and the Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Program.

With this funding UCLA will be able to offer education on world regions, provide tuition support and living stipends to students pursuing area studies and language training, and provide academic and pedagogical support for the teaching of languages.

“These grants re-affirm the UCLA International Institute’s crucial role in international studies at UCLA,” said Cindy Fan, vice provost for international studies and global engagement. “They not only strengthen our educational and community offerings, they provide generous fellowships that enable students to gain the global cultural competencies essential to a 21st-century education.”

The Latin American Institute, Center for Near Eastern Studies and Center for Southeast Asian Studies have each been designated a national resource center by the department of education.

Read the full news release about Title VI funding on the UCLA International Institute website.