UCLA will host Bruin Family Weekend from Oct. 26–28 and welcome all undergraduates’ families and guests to experience a taste of campus life. With more than 3,000 people expected to attend, the annual event brings together students and their families to spend time together as they share in the weekend’s events.
The festivites will begin at 8 a.m. on Friday with a breakfast on Dickson Plaza followed by a welcome address from Chancellor Gene Block in Royce Hall.
The schedule features opportunities to participate in many aspects of Bruin life. Several departments will be hosting drop-in office hours, Bruins and their guests will have four catered meals throughout the weekend, and on Friday, Oct. 26, they can buy tickets to attend the UCLA vs. Utah football game and the Chancellor’s Bruin Game Day Party at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. There will also be workshops at different campus locations to better understand things like academic life, financial aid and resources and career services.
Everyone is also invited to attend lectures given by UCLA professors, including Laurent Pilon, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, who will talk about food, energy and water in modern megacities; Kara Cooney, associate professor of Egyptian art and architecture, who will lecture about the role of women as rulers in the ancient world; and Neil Garg, Kenneth N. Trueblood Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, who will share with parents how he has turned organic chemistry into one of the most popular courses on campus.
People interested in attending can find more information at the Bruin Family Weekend website. They can sign up on-site, space permitting, on Friday and Saturday at Bruin Central in Dickson Plaza. Credit cards only; no cash or checks accepted. If you have any questions, email [email protected] or call 310-794-2378.